Saturday, August 7, 2010

Shotgun Fluffy, Neumanns In Tow

Scott had a few more things left in York, PA that he was unable to bring home with him in the previous trip. Moppy offered to watch Paxton so he could finish up while Susanne was at work and in turn he wouldn't miss anymore time with her. Chief was nice enough to lend Scott his truck so that he could fit everything that was left into one load. This would prevent future trips in the coming week. On top of that, the Neumanns had offered their muscles and car space to assist Scott in the endeavor so he wouldn't have to try to tackle it all on his own. If that wasn't enough, Fluffy Diaz also agreed to accompany Scott for the ride back to the town that abandoned him. What a brave little pooch. Scott was swimming in support and knew that this trip would be productive.

It quickly became apparent that the Neumanns meant business. The temperature was in the 90s, but that didn't slow down Uncle Looney and Aunt Leeny. They were a packing and hauling machine. Scott was in awe of how efficiently they moved and so grateful to have them with him. When it was all over, the apartment was empty and the cars were full to the max. It was back to Virginia they went, that was after a quick stop in Gettysburg for milkshakes from the Cannonball Malt Shoppe, of course!

Scott was so happy he was returning home to Paxton and Susanne, knowing that he would never have to spend another night in York without them again. He had been waiting for this day to come for a very long time. The start of a new chapter in their lives was in sight.

Fluffy Diaz was such a great travel buddy. He rode the whole way to and from PA in Scott's lap. It was so heartbreaking to think that anyone could get rid of such a sweet dog without a second thought. Scott felt so good about rescuing him. He knew that Fluffy would have no problem finding a new family who would love him the way he deserved to be loved. With such a pleasant disposition and the cutest face ever, Fluffy was destined for greatness!

After everything was unloaded from the vehicles, Scott got cleaned up for an evening of celebration. He rode with the Neumann's back to their house to wait for Susanne to arrive once she finished work. Moppy had agreed to continue watching Paxton throughout the night so that Scott and Susanne could stay out as long as they wanted.

When Susanne finally showed up, they all went to dinner together. They had a purpose for their evening. There were finally going to be able to celebrate the fact that Aunt Leeny's passed her psychology licensing exam weeks before. This was the first time since then that they all had a chance to get together to focus on this wonderful accomplishment. It was also the perfect opportunity for everyone to commend Scott for finishing up his internship. After dinner, they went to a local bar. This was a nice pit stop before heading back to the Neumanns' place to spend some time relaxing with some oat sodas and sipping on some premium tequila. It was a perfect end to a perfect night.

Scott and Susanne were continually reminded how fortunate they were to have the Neumann's in their lives. They had been nothing but supportive and selfless since the day they met them. Paxton was so lucky to come into this world with people like them anticipating his arrival ready to smother him with love. They had been there since the day he was born sitting in the waiting room awaiting the good news. Scott and Susanne were incredibly blessed to have such extraordinary friends.

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