Thursday, September 9, 2010

Game Over

Susanne's morning started way too early...wait, her mornings always start way too early. Today, however, she truly felt like she had no energy to get things done. Her exhaustion took control of her and kept her in a zombie-like state. In between Paxton's feedings and disguised therapy, she would zone out. She was hoping to get a lot more accomplished with her Thursday, but that didn't look like it was going to happen.

Susanne did manage to make a few important phone calls throughout the day. She could only handle so many before her stress meter skyrocketed. The best news she received all day was that her health insurance company finally admitted that they had processed two of her claims incorrectly and the bills would be paid in full by them. It only took talking to fifteen people including a resolution specialist, writing two letters of appeal, and contacting the bureau of insurance for them to realize that it was their mistake. Susanne put up a good fight. She never backed down. She stood up for what was right. Finally, seven months later, all of that hardwork had paid off. Hallelujah...praise Jesus!

Susanne was noticing that everytime she had to try to start a feeding through Paxton's NG tube or give him a medication while he was sleeping, it was becoming like the game, "Operation". She would ever-so-gently and quietly reach for his NG tube. The goal was to not wake Paxton up in the process. Sometimes he would start to stir with the lightest touch of his tube. She would think that she had lost the round, but he would surprise her and never wake up completely. Occasionally, she could shimmy and shake all she wanted to and Paxton wouldn't budge. Other times, it only took the slighest movement to wake him and Susanne would be instantly greeted with his big, beautiful, brown eyes. He would stare at her so intently as if to say, "You're busted...GAME OVER!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be so nice to get an hourly wage for all the time we spend dealing with other peoples' mistakes? And get your time back too...At least they fessed up and you don't have to pay! One more win for Team Paxton!