Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy Little Eater

Paxton laughed the entire time that Susanne worked on oral feeding today. It was such a weird response for something that he had hated and resisted so much. He tolerated the facial and oral massage well. He willingly accepted his oral swab. He was becoming less and less interested in the Haberman bottle again. He only took 5ml of water today compared to the 20ml he had taken a few weeks ago. He accepted the Nuk brush even with a little pureed banana on it. Paxton anticipated the spoonfuls of banana. His face immediately turned sour with the taste of it. He did well though and took five small spoonfuls. The most exciting part was that he didn't gag or spit up. Susanne finished up with brushing his teeth. All in all, he was a happy boy at the end of their session.

Paxton's milestones today included being able to shift his weight onto one arm in a propped seated position while playig with a toy in the other hand. Yay! Go Paxton!

He also showed significant improvement with being able to hold a ball in his hand. This had previously been such a challenge for him because he held his thumbs in a closed position. Now he was able to hold his hands in a more open position which in turn made it easier to grab larger objects that weren't ring-shaped.

1 comment:

The Brittons said...

YEAH PAXTON! He has come a loooong way, girl! He is doing so well!