Friday, January 14, 2011

My Butt...My Butt...My Butt is On Fire!

Moppy had taken the first feeding of the day so that Susanne could try to get a little more than four hours of sleep. This dream was short lived. Susanne was woken up from a dead sleep by the sound of Paxton gagging. No matter how hard she tried, she could not turn her mom ears off. She hopped right up to try to prevent him from aspirating on his spit. Moppy and Susanne sat with him for an entire hour trying to console him before he had exhausted himself out. He was ready for another nap by the end of it all. Susanne decided to try to lay her head down for another hour before she had to get up again to set up Paxton's next feeding. The monotony of his schedule was at times maddening.

Today, they decided to take their time getting ready for the day while Paxton caught up on his sleep. He had a lot to make up for from the busy day he had yesterday. Susanne stretched out her shower as long as possible. She enjoyed just standing under the warm stream of water and letting her mind escape the chaos of life. She took pleasure in fixing her hair and putting on her makeup. She rarely got to spend much time on her morning ritual because she always put her needs last when it came to Paxton. It was a nice change to pamper herself. Once Paxton was awake, Moppy played with him while Susanne finished the final touches to her face.

Paxton had been suffering from the worst diaper rash that Susanne had ever seen. The area was very bright red and painful. His skin even looked ulcerated in areas. The most interesting part about it all was that it came about after she increased the amount of formula Paxton was eating. That was weird because it was a formula that was specifically for sensitive stomachs. It was a hypoallergenic formulation that was helpful in reducing colic. It was also supposed to be safe for infants that had sensitivity to dairy or soy protein. It seemed very counter to what it claimed. Needless to say, Susanne thought it would be a great idea to let Paxton air out to help treat the severe diaper rash. While Moppy played with Paxton, Susanne left his diaper open with lots of absorbant pads underneath him to catch any disaster that may occur. He seemed to love this set up. Paxton seized any opportunity to go diaperless.

Moppy and Susanne decided to venture out in the winter wonderland to go grab a bite to eat. It was about a ten minute walk before they reached any area that had food options. It was actually nice to get outside and appreciate the natural beauty of the recent snow storm. There were multiple areas along the way that almost looked fake because the snow was so perfectly placed on the tree branches. Moppy and Susanne were in awe of the picturesque view. The best part was that Paxton thrived in weather like this. He loved the cold weather. Susanne was ecstatic that Paxton actually got to wear some of his winter clothes. He specifically had a cute fleece outfit, warm hat, and cute mittens that Susanne was certain he would never be able to wear, but she was wrong. Boston was the perfect setting for him to sport his gear and boy did he look cute?

Lunch was very relaxing. It was relieving to be able to have the time to sit down and eat something. Moppy and Susanne tried to make sure to head back in time to set Paxton up for his next feeding. Once they got to their room, Paxton was ready for a nap. He went right down. He was a little behind on his schedule, but not by much. By the time he was situated, Susanne had to pump. They could not believe that by the time she was done that it had been two hours since they had returned. Time always seemed to fly by.

Susanne was shocked that Paxton took a four hour nap. He must have been whooped. Once he woke up, it was time for dinner. They decided to order in to avoid walking in the frigid weather again. It wouldn't be smart to walk that far especially that late at night. Also, it would be wrong to expose Paxton to the harsh weather conditions again.

The delicious food was well worth the wait. The restaurant obviously did not believe in portion control because one entree could feed a small army. There would definitely be left overs.

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