It was nice to know that James did not have any issues after his little Marley moment the other day. He acted no differently than before the incident, which was such a relief. When Susanne was cleaning up after him in the yard today, she noticed it had a lot of character. There was a variety of tin foil wrappers from the chocolate he ate. This just proved that he was a successful scavenger.
Susanne tried to find time to clean up the house before one of her best friends from college flew into town. Paxton was finally going to meet Aixa. Susanne met Aixa her freshman year of college. She was one of Susanne's suitemates that first year. Ever since the first day that they met, they were the best of friends. They enjoyed each others company a lot. They loved to sing, dance, and pretty much be goofy anytime, didn't matter. They always managed to get into some sort of trouble when they were together. They had a lot of similar interests and very supportive families, but what really tied them together was their core set of beliefs. Their faith was what got them through anything thrown their way. One of the most rewarding things that they did together was to go on a mission trip together every year throughout college. Most of the time it was through Appalachia Service Project. They had done everything from building a retaining wall, to building a porch, to something more impressive like building a house from scratch. They were masters of the hammer and the nail. Once during college, they even went to Matamoros, Mexico to do mission work at an orphanage. They spent a lot of their time building closets and bunk beds for the orphans. Their favorite part of that whole trip was the connection that they made with all of the children. They made sure to dedicate time to getting to know them and reach out to them. They learned so much from those children. It was on that trip that they learned what the true definition of wealthy meant. These children were rich in love and kindness. They were some of the happiest human beings they had ever met. This was amazing coming from kids who didn't have toys, underwear, or even parents. It was amazing what Susanne and Aixa had taken for granted.
They both had a passion for traveling. It was only logical for them to study abroad together. The destination that they chose was Madrid, Spain. They were there for about a month and managed to travel throughout the country on the weekends. One of the most memorable moments of the trip was definitely the running of the bulls in Pamplona. Ole'! Through thick and thin they had been there for each other, whether it was through break-ups with boyfriends, the loss of a family member, graduation or some other momentous occassion. Susanne felt so blessed that Aixa had been with her through it all. She had always been present during the most important times in Susanne's life like when she got into veterinary school, when she got married, throughout her pregnancy, and now with her first child. Susanne could not wait for Paxton to meet one of the most important, influential people in his mom's life.
Aixa fell in love the moment she set eyes on Paxton. She was so eager to get to know him that she sat in the back seat during the ride back to the house. He couldn't quite figure out what to make of her. He stared at her the entire ride home, but didn't change his facial expression no matter what she said or did...and she can be pretty silly.
Shortly after getting home, they headed back out to meet up with some of Susanne's other friends for dinner. Susanne decided that she wanted to go to a new Mexican restaurant up the road called Margarita's. She had recently had take out from there and liked the food so much that she thought it would be the perfect place to have a late birthday celebration with her friends. Paxton was excited to see all of his favorite people including Aunt Leenie, Uncle Loonie, and Aunt Julie. Susanne was excited for Aixa to finally meet Colleen and Chris. Aixa had heard so much about them, but had not yet met them in person. She had, however, met Julie before. It was nice for them to get reacquainted.
The best news of the night was that Julie told everyone the she was pregnant. Of course, Susanne already knew this information, but she was excited for her to share the wonderful news with everyone else. Other than Julie's husband, Susanne had been the first to know. It was so difficult for them to keep secrets from each other because they told each other everything. Susanne had done a good job of keeping quiet even though it took everything she had not to tell. It was hard not to mention it everytime they saw each other. To keep that kind of excitement to yourself was unbearable. Now that the news was out, Susanne felt free. She was so excited to get to share this experience with her close friend. Being pregnant was such a memorable time for Susanne that she wouldn't trade it for the world. Now she would get to relive the experience with Julie and hopefully give sound advice along the way. To top it off, at the end of it all Paxton was either going to have a best friend for life got it, a girl friend.
They decided to head home in time to start Paxton's next NG feeding. It had been such a wonderful feeling for Susanne to have some of her closest friends all together. Overall, Susanne thought that the food was great, the company was even better, but having Paxton right next to her made it just perfect.
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