Susanne was hoping for an uneventful morning, but that didn't quite happen. Once Paxton starting waking up, Susanne spoke to him sweetly and moved him slowly to his play gym. They both were having such a good time. He had done so well by not having any gagging episodes all morning. Of course, the second that Susanne started pumping, he started dry heaving and proceeded to spit up everywhere. She was also on the phone at the time with Scott. She had to abruptly end their conversation and close up shop for the moment to clean up Paxton, clear his airway, and prevent him from panicking. In the middle of all of this, she heard another odd sound in the background. It was James vomiting up his breakfast all over the carpet...AGAIN. So Susanne managed to accumulate two full loads of laundry in less than five minutes. That was a record. First things first, she needed to clean up Paxton. She hadn't realized before then, but Paxton had also dirtied his diaper and it was seeping out of the sides. She decided to put him in the bathroom sink as a holding facility until she could fill up his bathtub. She got him squeaky clean and she put him down for a nap. Next, she cleaned up the mess that James had made. Finally, she got around to starting a load of laundry. By the time all was said and done, it was time to feed Paxton again. It was well past the lunch hour before she had a chance to make herself something to eat. She often wondered how one little baby could take up so much time. It just seemed to fly by. She savored every moment, but it still went by too quickly.
The rest of the day was pretty routine for the two of them. She was able to catch Paxton laughing on the video camera. It was still amazing how hard she had to work for one little giggle, but it was well worth it. Her was heart warmed everytime he smiled at her.
Paxton went down really well for all of his naps today and he was ready to go to bed for the night right after the six o'clock feeding. Susanne spent some time talking to Scott on the webcam this evening. They enjoyed singing together as Scott played his guitar. This was one of their favorite things to do together. It was actually one of the things that brought them together as a couple. Susanne was so impressd with Scott's many talents. He was so hot!
Can hardly believe how BIG Paxton is now! Love reading your updates on how he's improving, learning and growing each day!
I'm sorry to hear about the pukes. I feel your pain! I don't even want to know how many loads of laundry we did when C was still puking so much.
I think James was just jealous of all the attention Paxton is getting :)
Hang in there!
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