Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pack Your Bags

Susanne was up with Paxton a couple of times this morning. He just couldn't seem to get comfortable. Shortly after she got him settled, he woke up gagging as usual which was always difficult for Susanne to witness. She just wished he could catch a break.

After he had recovered, Susanne decided to try to keep him up for a little bit longer than usual so she could try to figure out a new nap schedule. He seemed to consistently fall asleep after only being up about an hour or two, but he had started not wanting to go down again in the afternoon. She was going to try to push back his morning nap so that he wouldn't be awake for so long during the day. It was a fine line between perfect timing and entering into the world of overtired. For any mother out there, they understand the issues that come along with their child being overtired....they don't fall asleep.

It seemed to work well except Susanne forgot she was meeting a friend for lunch. Unfortunately, she had to disrupt Paxton's beauty rest to make it on time. Susanne's long time friend, Brandy, had been in town for a few days. She was heading back home today and wanted to get together to catch up. Brandy's daughter's got to meet Paxton for the first time which was special. There never seemed to be enough time in the day. Before they knew it Brandy needed to get on the road.

Scott brought Susanne home sushi for dinner. She thought that was such a thoughtful gesture and couldn't wait to dig in. She wasn't so sure she would be able to wait until the evening. They decided to watch a movie before starting the whole packing process. They knew it would be a big undertaking since they not only had to pack for their trip to Virginia, but also their trip to Boston. If they were certain of one thing, it was that they were not looking forward to their night ahead of them.

During the process of preparing for their travels, they realized that they needed to do some laundry. On their way downstairs, they realized that they could kill two birds with one stone by placing Paxton in the laundry basket as well. This minimized them having to take more than one trip and Paxton didn't seem to mind the ride.

They quickly burnt out from this whole process. They didn't think that it would take forever to get organized with what they would need. It was difficult enough that Susanne was living in two places, but to then have to plan for a week trip was even more complicating. Even though they shouldn't be surprised, the amount of stuff they were taking with them was mind blowing. By the end of it all, it looked like a family of eight was going away for a month.

Paxton was out like a light in no time. He became exhausted just by watching his parents pack. After he was down for the night, Susanne was finally able to sit down to eat dinner and watch a little TV before bed. Scott decided to be more productive and go to the gym. Susanne felt like she got plenty of a work out that day with just lifting Paxton to and fro. He was getting to be such a big boy.

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