Friday, April 15, 2011

Snuggle with the Puggle

Paxton was still sound asleep when Scott left early this morning. When he finally did open his eyes, Susanne thought Paxton was in the clear for once in his life because he woke up so peacefully with no gagging or vomiting. It wasn't too long after she had this thought that Paxton proved her wrong. He only had a minor gag, but he still seemed to struggle. He still sounded congested. This always made it more difficult for him to recover when he had trouble breathing through his nose. Ever since his cleft palate had been repaired, he had difficulty figuring out how to effectively breathe. He breathed in and out through his mouth the majority of the time. Since there was not a hole in the roof of his mouth anymore, his nose started to collect things. Once that space was occupied, he started to sound more and more like a bulldog or pug. Even though Susanne and Scott kept up with keeping his nose clean, it rarely changed the situation. This would just be another one of Paxton's many nuances.

Paxton kept Susanne busy this morning. She changed four diapers within less than an hour of him being up. He was working hard on cleaning out his system. After Susanne thought he was finished, she put him in his bouncer to play. To Susanne's surprise this was short lived. He was ready to go back to bed. He ended up sleeping right up until his feeding at noon. He was tired for some reason and needed the sleep.

Susanne decided to switch it up once he woke up the second time. She placed him on his play gym while he ate. He finally got active and showed his toys who was boss. He was getting so much better at grasping objects and pulling his knees to his chest.

Later in the day, Susanne worked with him on his exercise ball. This was by far the best place for him to work on tummy time because it encouraged him to lift his head the most. Once he was fatigued from that set of exercises, she set him up to play with his bowl of pasta. He was very interested in touching the different shapes and textures with his hands, but not so much with his feet. James enjoyed hanging out with them while Paxton explored around. Paxton was so whipped from all of the afternoon activity that he ended up falling asleep in the pasta. It was a sad site to see, but hilarious.

Susanne thought that this was a sure sign that he was ready to take a nap, but Paxton had a sneaky way of tricking her. After she put Paxton in his bed, he quickly awoke and got his second wind. Susanne snuck out of the room and watched him through the monitor. She was hoping he would go right back down. Despite her hopes, he continued to talk and kick around. He became more active than he had just been for his actual playtime. All Susanne could do was laugh. It was the cutest thing to watch him self-entertain. Once Susanne knew a nap was not going to happen, she snatched him up again to give him some more loving. Hopefully, this would make for a long, peaceful night of sweet dreams.

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