Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cause and Effect

The day seemed to fly by. Susanne spent a lot of time playing with her baby boy. She enjoyed watching his face light up when she talked to him. Her new favorite thing was to give Paxton a zerbert on his lips or stomach. This was the sure fire way to get Paxton to smile and sometimes laugh. It seemed thoroughly entertaining to him and he seemed to love it.

During his playtime, Susanne was in awe at how strong Paxton was getting. He could easily grab for toys and, more times than not, successfully wrap his little fingers around whatever he was trying to reach for. He was kicking his legs a lot and pulling them up towards his belly regularly. He was even lifting his head up more regularly during tummy time. The newest thing that became apparent was his fascination with cause and effect. It was interesting to watch him think through what he wanted to do and then deliberately complete the thought. For example, he would purposely hit certain toys knowing that he woud get a sound in return. His mind was so amazing.

When Susanne went in to set up Paxton's feeding at nine o'clock at night, she was greeted with Paxton's smiling face. He had rolled from his side onto his back and was staring at his mobile. She thought he was sleeping, but obviously he was entertaining himself. He was almost startled when he saw his mommy's face at first, but then he was delighted. Even though he was so young, it almost seemed like he knew he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. Susanne left a dim light on for the duration of his feeding so that he could continue enjoying himself. He remained quiet and content the entire time. When the feeding was finished, Susanne tucked him in and made sure he was snug as a bug in a rug. He slept peacefully the rest of the night.

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