Thursday, July 8, 2010


Susanne was much more awake and present for Paxton's therapy session this morning. She was feeling much better. Susanne had to warn the therapist right off the bat that Paxton may be averse to therapy today because she had been messing with his NG tube and tape a lot within the last few days. She was worried that he may be anticipating something awful even though what they would be working on should be positive experiences. He ended up doing better than she had thought. He was always such a trooper. He never really got to just be. Someone was always poking and prodding, teaching or stretching, feeding or bathing, singing or dancing. It always seemed like he was being messed with. Granted, he appeared to enjoy a lot of the silliness that went on in the Padilla household on a day to day basis, but Susanne was sure he wished he could have an entire day of getting a break.

Susanne's day flew by and before she knew it, Aunt Leenie arrived for Pajama Party Thursday. Colleen got to spend a little time with Paxton before he headed off to bed. Once he was out for the count, they spent some time outside in the warmth of the sun chitchatting about pretty much everything. One of their main topics of discussion was Colleen's upcoming trip to Mexico. Susanne was so excited for her and Chris. Susanne and Scott loved to travel. They had actually made a pact the first year they were married to try to always travel twice a year together. Unfortunately, they had fallen down on the job this year since the arrival of Paxton. They wanted to plan something for the fall, but they were worried that it may be too risky with Paxton's next heart surgery right around the corner. So, until they could get away, Susanne would just live vicariously through the Neumann's.

They ordered in and continued chatting well into the evening. They had to force themselves to go to bed because Colleen had to work in the morning. Susanne enjoyed Colleen's company so much.

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