Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shower of Surprises

Susanne was excited that Scott was home. She was sad that he would have to leave tonight after Susanne's work's annual picnic. Even though it was a short visit, it was well worth it. It was always so comforting to wake up next to him in the bed. The other luxury of having Scott home was that he shared the responsibility of taking care of Paxton. Susanne got up at 6:00am to take care of the little guy and all of the furry friends. Luckily, she got to go back to bed for a short time and Scott took care of the 9:00am feeding. Any extra time to catch up on sleep was a blessing.

Susanne had so much to do around the house. She was hoping to be able to utilize what little time she had left with Scott by putting him to work. There were just too many things that she could not do alone. Unfortunately, Paxton had a rough start to his day. He needed a lot of tending to. By the time they got him settled down, it was getting close to the time that they needed to leave for the picnic.

It was a scorcher once they arrived at the picnic. Paxton lasted all of about fifteen minutes outside before Susanne and Scott had to take him inside for a break from the heat. After he recuperated, they headed back out to join everyone in the festivites. Paxton was excited to see that Aunt Julie had arrived. She was glowing.

After less than thirty minutes, there was an unusually violent gust of wind that stirred up the place. It almost felt and even looked like a tornado. It was all very strange. Shortly thereafter, the rain started. Everyone had to either huddle into the barn or on the front porch. It didn't let up for a while. Eventually, it became time to feed Paxton again. Scott and Susanne had to leave so he could stick to his schedule. It was perfect timing as well because Scott had to leave that evening and it was always good to get a head start.

As they tried to leave, they were presented with a little bit of an obstacle. The powerful wind had knocked down a tree that expanded across the entire road. There was no way around it. About this time, they became very thankful for the invention of a GPS. They were able to figure out a detour. They were cruising along when another car stopped them to let them know that there were power lines that were blocking the road up ahead. Once again, they were able to avoid disaster because they found another route.

Finally, they got home. Scott had just enough time to eat dinner and then he had to get back out on the road. Susanne got Paxton settled down for a nap. He woke up an hour later with a wet diaper. Just as Susanne was finishing up, the doorbell rang. She thought it could only be one of two people. It was either a neighbor or someone trying to sell something. BOY WAS SHE WRONG. Susanne was completely and utterly surprised when she opened the door to see her mother standing there. She was so elated and even screamed loudly with joy, unfortunately for Paxton. It was always so difficult to surprise Susanne. Her analytical mind and astute nature prevented a lot of people from being successful. This time Gigi got her good....really good. Susanne's jaw was to the floor for hours after her arrival. What an awesome way to end the day.

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