Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To Gag or Not to Gag

Susanne and Scott were starting to wonder if they would ever have a morning when Paxton wouldn't be gagging and vomiting. Scott had to hold Paxton for over an hour early this morning before his first feeding. Scott and Susanne had to swap places when Scott had to leave for work. Susanne was hoping that he would recover soon. It was so difficult to watch him suffer through this every morning and there was nothing they could do about it. It was starting to become unprovoked and unpredictable. They thought they knew the reason behind the episodes, but now they weren't so sure anymore.

Paxton did well the rest of the day.

Susanne decided to make some gourmet burgers for dinner along with fries and salad. She wanted to make sure to have something ready for Poppy, Gigi, and Scott when they all got home from work. They were able to watch a little TV before heading off to bed. It was a must that everyone had some time to wind down before starting all over again the next day with the same old routine.

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