Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cinderella Hard at Work

Today was a messy day. Paxton had multiple episodes of projectile vomiting on and off all day. Everytime she thought he was finished, he would start up again. Susanne had managed to do four loads of laundry and change Paxton's outfit four times all before lunch. He sure kept her busy!

By early afternoon, Susanne elected to give Paxton a bath. His neck had managed to cling onto the awful smell of the recycled formula. It was the gift that kept on giving. It was pretty humorous by the end of it all, but gross nonetheless.

The most difficult part about the morning was that Paxton sounded congested, especially after everything had come back up a few times. His breathing was noisy and at times sounded like he was snorting. Since he had just had his cleft palate repaired, Susanne was not allowed to suction him with the bulb syringe unless it was life or death. She tried other approaches to try to clear his nasal passages and the back of his throat. These methods were definitely safter, but not as effective.

Susanne's good friend, Cory, stopped by later in the day for a visit. She had to work the day of Paxton's birthday party so she wanted to make sure to find a different time to come over to help celebrate. Her timing ended up being perfect. Paxton was awake when she arrived. He smiled a lot and was extremely interactive. Cory was impressed with the positive changes that had occurred since the last time she saw him.

Paxton opened his gift from Cory, which included a fun toy that had lots of bright colors and high contrast patterns. It was the perfect choice to provide visual and auditory stimulation. He also received a book called, "Oh, the Pets You Can Get!". Paxton sat in his high chair playing with his new toy while they ate their dinner. He was very interested in all that it had to offer. It was an instant hit. Susanne and Cory sat and enjoyed watching him.

Shortly after dinner, Paxton was ready for bed. Cory got to observe their usual nightly routine. Once Paxton was out cold, the ladies had the opportunity to catch up. It wasn't until hours later that they realized how quickly time had passed them by. Susanne was excited that Cory was feeling so well, heading into her third and final trimester of pregnancy. It was so funny that just the sight of her made Susanne want to do it all over again.

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