Monday, April 11, 2011

That's A No Go!

Paxton had another night of being up every hour on the hour. Susanne didn't even have to put on her glasses to look at the clock to know what time it was. She could predict it without even checking. She knew it was going to be a LONG day especially since she had to drive six hours back to NC. Lord, help them all.

Just like the last couple of days, Susanne had to get creative with where Paxton slept. This morning, he ended up getting the most comfortable laying on the wedge with the boppy supporting his head. Susanne left him there while he received his first feeding of the day. He slept right through it all. It was a rude awakening when Susanne had to wake him up for therapy. Paxton had one more session scheduled before they headed back across state lines. Hopefully, he would be able to dig deep and find some energy. Susanne wasn't expecting much from him, but she still wanted to see if he would feel up to doing anything.

Today, the therapist had another occupational therapist shadowing her. Unfortunately, it was not a great day for her to observe. Paxton was very tired and not interested in doing any work at all. Susanne thought he sounded a little better, but his actions countered that opinion. He didn't do well with therapy. He wasn't interested in doing anything that was asked of him. The entire time they were working with him he was rubbing his eyes and yawning. Near the end of the appointment, he started gagging, followed by projectile vomiting. They all got the hint by that point. They cut the session short for his sake. Susanne was going to try hard to get him to rest up for the long trip ahead of them. She was just hoping that the vomiting episode was the only one for the day. There would be no hope for him if he got sick while she was driving on I-95.

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