When Susanne got to the hospital today, the nurse informed her that Paxton had pulled out his NG tube overnight. The nurse had to replace it and come up with creative ways to prevent him from doing this again. He appears to be one determined little boy!
Susanne was pleased to find out that Paxton was transitioned over to bolus feedings this morning. He was being fed a certain amount of formula over three hours through his NG tube and then they were discontinued for three hours. The plan was to continue with this cycle for the time being. Eventually, the amount he was being fed would be increased, but be given over a smaller window of time. This would help to mimic a more normal feeding schedule of a child his age. His goal was to be able to receive 60 ml of formula through his NG tube over 30 minutes every three hours. This should take a few days for him to achieve, so pray that it all goes well.
During the time that Paxton was off of his feedings, Susanne was allowed to take him outside to the hospital atrium once again. This was such a treat for them. She read him "The Sneetches" by Dr. Seuss, which he thought was pretty funny. Paxton had a couple of special visitors during his time outside. Two of Susanne's friends from work, Elissa and Kristen, got to meet him for the first time. They were able to get in some snuggle time with him while enjoying the beautiful sunshine. He could tell they were both naturals. What great mothers they must be!
When Susanne and Paxton went back inside, the nurse wanted Susanne to try to feed Paxton a bottle with formula in it. Just like yesterday, he was less than impressed with the taste of the Nutramigen. However, with a lot of love, a little bit of patience, and some coaxing...Paxton ate a whopping 7.5 ml. This was very impressive for a little guy who had really never eaten anything by mouth since he was born seven weeks ago. Paxton's mom was so proud of him.
After Paxton ate, Susanne kept him awake for a little bit longer. Once he started showing signs that he was getting tired, she put him down for a nap.
Susanne had a wonderful day with her son. Paxton accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. Susanne hoped that he was finally getting tired of hanging out at the hospital every day. There was so much for him to see outside of those hospital doors. If he only knew...
AWW! Im SO excited that Paxton is progressing so well!! He is such a trooper! Im glad he can catch some rays:)
We love you!!
Uncle Nick and Aunt Kerry
It's so cool to see him growing up and getting more outside adventures. He looks so happy being held by his mommy without all those wires he used to have!
Emily (PCS)
Wow! 7.5mLs is a huge accomplishment!!! He's on the right track. I remember when we were trying to get Carter to take the bottle in the hospital and he refused. We had to use a finger feeder (small tube taped to your finger that delivers drops of milk) and would celebrate when he'd take 1-2mLs. Before you know it, 7.5 turns into 10...20...and then the holy grail of a whole ounce! This feeding stuff can be very frustrating, but I PROMISE you that over time, he will get it. Just hang in there and don't push him. Let Paxton figure this out on his own terms, even if it means bolus tube feedings for a year or more.
Leah convincing us to rely on the tube for nutrition and use the oral feedings as a positive teaching tool, rather than stress out b/c he wasn't taking enough by mouth, was the best thing that happened for us.
Susie and Scott,
I know you're very proud of little Paxton for such big accomplishments! We are so thrilled to read about him each day. He's a handsome little fella...beautiful hair and skin and eyes...what a lucky mom and dad you are to be his "makers"...God has sure blessed you both. Lots of love and prayers for you.
Thinking of you daily,
The Cieszko Family
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