Susanne and Scott cannot believe that their son, Paxton Eli, was born two months ago today. He is the best thing that has ever happened to either of them and they are grateful for everyday he is in their lives. It is amazing how having a child can bring two people that are already so much in love that much closer together.
Overall, Paxton was doing much better. He had no vomiting overnight or throughout the day. He appeared to be responding well to the slight changes to his feeding schedule and to the position he was in during his NG feedings. So far, it had been a success!! Susanne and Scott were counting their blessings because Paxton had been such a great baby since arriving home. This was shocking because he had been through so many changes within the last few days and his parents were expecting that it would take time to settle in. The was not the case for him. He had slept pretty much the entire time with the exception of when he was woken up for playtime. Scott and Susanne had not heard Paxton cry yet, which was probably a rare thing for a household with a newborn in it.
Scott and Susanne did some much needed yardwork this morning. Paxton was a great assistant and enjoyed getting a sun tan from his car seat. He cannot wait until he is able to mow the grass and dig in the dirt.
Unfortunately, Scott had to go back to Pennsylvania in the early afternoon. Since he could not stay home for this entire week, he had planned on coming back for little chunks of time throughout the week until he could be home for the weekend. It is always so difficult for Susanne to see him off because deep down all she's ever wanted was for him to be able to stay home forever.
Susanne continued to work with Paxton on taking a bottle. He had a special kind of bottle called a Mead Johnson bottle that was supposed to be better suited for him. He continued to only take a small amount of formula by mouth. Hopefully, this will continue to increase over time. Patience! Patience! Patience!
Moppy was so kind to run some errands for Susanne. One of the biggest undertakings was going grocery shopping. Moppy ended up doing a great job. After dropping off some groceries at the house, she stayed for a little bit to visit with Paxton. She held him while catching up with Susanne. Moppy was around for Paxton's next NG feeding so Susanne ended up showing her how to set up for that. This would come in handy in the near future because Moppy was going to be watching Paxton when Susanne started work again. She will be the temporary babysitter until Susanne can find a more permanent nanny. Once the formula was started, Moppy read Paxton a couple of very sweet books. Before Moppy left, she and Susanne put Paxton to bed. They both gave him lots of hugs and kisses. He had a long day full of excitement and needed to rest. Goodnight Paxton! Sweet dreams.
Hey! What is a cryet? I looked it up in my Webster's, but it wasn't there. Is it one of those urban words?
I can't believe I missed the going home post! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Being home was a big adjustment for us, because we kinda got used to the nurses being right there if we needed something. Carter had terrible reflux and projectile vomited after EVERY feed for almost a year. (just ask Leah) You'll become a pro at dropping an NG, doing lots of laundry and everything else that Paxton needs. It will all become so normal! (p.s. The baby oxyclean works wonders for getting out puke stains)
Congrats again! We're so happy for you guys. Next year, you'll be chasing Paxton around the house :)
AWW! We are SO happy for you guys!! Paxton is such a wonderful baby boy! We are so glad he is adjusting so well! That is awesome that Moppy will be watching him while you work. What a relief. Well we love you guys!! Love Aunt Kerry and Uncle Nick
Thinking of you all on Easter and wishing you a glorious day! Hope everything is going well, and Paxton is thriving at home :)
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