Saturday, April 24, 2010

Boys' Day Out

Susanne had to go to work this morning for the second time this week. This was actually Scott's first time watching Paxton all by himself. Paxton and Scott were excited to have some good quality guy time.

Scott had a dentist appointment earlier in the morning that Paxton got to tag along for. Paxton was very patient and sat still during the entire time Scott was having his teeth cleaned.

Scott did a phenomenal job working with Paxton and his new bottle. Scott was able to get Paxton to take 10ml by mouth, which was impressive compared to the 5ml that he took with the other bottle. Hopefully this was a sign that he was headed in the right direction.

Susanne had a great day at work. She was able to see a lot of her favorite clients and, of course, their pets. There was nothing that made Susanne smile more than to get wet, slobbery, kisses from her patients. Thanks Boomer and Bailey! Thanks Hazel!

Susanne got home just in time to try to watch the movie that they rented for a second time. It was a success and this made Scott very happy. They will see if she can make it through Saturday Night Live. Good luck!

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