Saturday, May 29, 2010

Car Trouble AGAIN!!!

Susanne was headed out the door to go to work when she ran into a slight problem...her car would not start. She attempted to start it multiple times before giving up. Her Eclipse had been in the shop twice already within the last month. How could it still not work properly? Susanne decided to just take Scott's car to work and they would have to figure the rest out later.

Susanne had a great day at work. It was pretty straightforward and she got to see one of her favorite clients. It was so nice to catch up with her, as well as share motherhood stories. By the end of the day, Susanne felt so tired. She was feeling the onset of exhaustion kick in from her busy week.

When she got home, Scott and Moppy ordered dinner from a new Mexican restaurant up the street called Margaritas. Scott and Susanne were pleasantly surprised with how great the food was, which says a lot since they are Mexican food connoisseurs. Susanne was finally getting a little more used to not having her good friends sour cream and cheese around. It was something she thought would have been near impossible a few months ago, especially since those had been two staples in the Padilla household since they had been together. During dinner, they watched a scary movie. This genre of movies was one of Scott's and Susanne's favorites. Susanne fell asleep, yet again, to the entertainment of the evening. What a party pooper!

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