Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chill Out Paxton

Paxton had an appointment with his pediatrician this morning. He had gained so much weight since the last time he was in. Today, he weighed 9 lb. 6 oz. This was impressive to the pediatrician. He was going to continue to be closely monitored just in case this uphill trend with his weight seizes. Paxton's doctor wanted to increase his feedings by a little bit. If he could tolerate this change, then they might be able to switch him to gavage feeding.

Susanne had to work again today. Every three weeks she would be working Wednesday and Thursday instead of Wednesday and Saturday so that she could have an entire weekend off. It was nice to come in back to back days because it made follow up with her clients from the day before much easier. Susanne got to see one of her favorite clients today along with one of her sweet dogs. The timing was perfect and Susanne was able to bring Paxton down from the nursery to meet her. It was perfect.

Paxton did well throughout the day. Moppy had noticed that Paxton seemed to do much better in a much colder environment than what his bedroom had been at home. It had been difficult to try to regulate the temperature in the Padilla household because there were three levels to cool with only one compressor. The biggest challenge was that Paxton's nursery was on the top level. Heat rises you know. In order for his room to be at a cooler temperature, the thermostat needed to be kept really low. This was not looking good from an electric bill standpoint. The sad thing was that it was only May. The heat of the summer has yet to even show it's face yet. The Padillas would just have to invest in a fan and hope that this would help some. If not, Susanne might have to resort to personally fanning Paxton and feeding him grapes as needed.

Susanne was finished with work around 8:30pm. This was a frustrating time to finish because Paxton was due for his next round of medications and his next NG feeding at 9:00pm. To add to the to do list, Susanne also needed to pump before leaving. Finally, they were packed and ready to go. After all was said and done, she did not even sit down to have dinner until closer to 11:30pm. By this point, was it even worth eating. Susanne's answer was was always worth eating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about a window unit just for Paxton's room?
Love from the Sheats family in NC!