Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 8: Blizzard #2

It snowed all night, bringing us another 8-10 inches.
It's really nice being so close to the NICU so that we are still able to visit Paxton in this weather.
When we arrived this morning. we found Paxton sleeping on his stomach for the first time. He seemed very comfortable. Another thing we noticed was that his blood oxygen levels had dropped some, which is what is being monitored as his heart develops. If it continues to drop, Paxton will need the doctors to intervene. They're slowly increasing his feedings each day, which is a good thing.
Today we got a really good look at Paxton's hair. Scott thinks it is brown, but Susanne insists that it is black. Either way, we both agree that it is fuzzy.
The shuttle was not running this evening, so we had to walk back from the NICU to the Ronald McDonald House in the blizzard. We're so hardcore.

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