Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Live In the Moment

Susanne had a moment of clarity today. She took time to remember that right now was all that anyone had. There was a lot of time wasted worrying about the "what ifs" and the "what might have beens" of life, but that was useless. She knew that it was critical to live in the moment. Not the past, not the future, but the now. The reason was that no one could change what had already happened and no one could be certain of what was yet to come, but one could control their thoughts and actions of the present. It was so important to focus on what was right in front of you and to never take for granted what you had. It was so easy to get caught up in what was wrong with the world instead of the blessings before your eyes. She wanted to strive to be an eternal optimist. She wanted to continually celebrate the fact that Paxton was having more good days than bad. There was so much to look forward to and she was excited. Life was truly worth fighting for...she just need a reminder from time to time.

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