Thursday, March 31, 2011

No Drive Zone

Susanne was thankful that today she didn't have to travel back to Virginia. It was nice to finally catch a break from all of the back and forth. She didn't regret living out of a suitcase one single moment, as long as it was still the best thing for Paxton. She knew he still benefited from seeing the same pediatrician, cardiologist, and therapist that had been with him from the beginning. There was a lot to be said about knowing Paxton and his medical history through and through. Susanne knew that with any new doctor, it would take a very long time for them to even scratch the surface of what Paxton had been through and what he needed. At this time, Susanne was not willing to risk any kink in the chain. She had worked too hard to get to where they were at these days regarding Paxton's care. She wasn't sure about a lot of things, but she was certain that she wasn't ready to start her search all over quite yet.

Milestone of the day: Paxton's other incisor is becoming visible.

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