Monday, March 21, 2011

Wild Man

Scott was in and out all day. He had two classes to teach, one of which was an hour and a half long. It was nice for Paxton and Susanne to see him when he was around, but it was few and far between.

Susanne took today to really push Paxton. She worked with him a lot on tummy time. He was slowly, but surely gaining more strength. The best way to get him to look up was still using the television as the focal point. Paxton couldn't resist the mesmerizing appeal of Elmo.

After working Paxton hard, Susanne placed him in his bouncer for play that would take less effort on his part. Susanne thought that he would just try to bat at the toys in front of him to engage the lights and music. Instead, Paxton was a wild man. He was moving around so much. He was pulling his legs up to his chest and kicking like crazy. Susanne knew he was getting a good ab workout.

As he was slowing down, he was putting his hands to his mouth and suckling. This was Susanne's cue that he was sleepy. He was making the cutest little sounds as he was falling into a trance. Shortly afterwards, he was gone. Susanne used this time wisely to get some things checked off of her "to-do list".

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